RF zero beacons

Playing around with these. Quite fun. Looking into setting up 3 beacons (70cm, 23cm and 3cm) in the near future.


Hello, I updated my   “current antenntena page”  with some pics of the 3 yagis for ADS-B which I mounted at about 26m AGL. Just 2 weeks prior to that, I took down to of the 7/8″ coaxes in that tower, they came down with a bang unfortunately. There is no antenna in the top, yet, but there will be dishes for 23cm, 6mc and 3cm there soon.

My assistant

Today I recieved some help with my antenna assembly. Well she was more intrested of eating grass and chasing other animals. But it is nice with some company! *smile*


OK so maybe I am a bit too much at times, mening I collect far to many projects. But after the adventures at the Scandinavian VHFmeeting where some folks worked 122GHz, I just had to get some gear myself, not primarily for 122GHz but for 24 and 47… So I got these bits and pieces. A new 24 GHz transverter and LO from Kuhne. And a used station from DL7QY with 47,76 and 122GHz (there is a small dish under the opened box so a complete setup).

ICOM 705

I bought myself an ICOM 705 to use primarily when going portable with microwve gear. I have only tested with a few QSOs, it seems like a nice rig.

ADS-B continues

So I read a bit about it from different persons feeding these networks. Apparently some people uses multiple recievers with the same station ID pushing as much info as they can. So I bought 3 more dongles and 3 more antennas. Will set it up asap (even though this is not my prio 1 project).


So I finally gathered parts and got the ADS-B reciever going.  ADS-B  is flighttracking, I am feeding to at least one network : opensky. I am sometimes also feeding ADS-B Exchange and Radarbox.  The reason for me to do this is interest in aircrafts but also to feed our “own network” (airscout).

I will later on publish some info of how I did set up my raspberry PI for this. But not now… *smile*