RF zero beacons

Playing around with these. Quite fun. Looking into setting up 3 beacons (70cm, 23cm and 3cm) in the near future.


I have updated ADS-B setup with 3 yagis for ADS-B which I mounted at about 26m AGL. Just 2 weeks prior to that, I took down to of the 7/8″ coaxes in that tower, they came down with a bang unfortunately. There is no antenna in the top, yet, but there will be dishes for 23cm, 6mc and 3cm there soon.

My assistant

Today I recieved some help with my antenna assembly. Well she was more intrested of eating grass and chasing other animals. But it is nice with some company! *smile*


OK so maybe I am a bit too much at times, mening I collect far to many projects. But after the adventures at the Scandinavian VHFmeeting where some folks worked 122GHz, I just had to get some gear myself, not primarily for 122GHz but for 24 and 47… So I got these bits and pieces. A new 24 GHz transverter and LO from Kuhne. And a used station from DL7QY with 47,76 and 122GHz (there is a small dish under the opened box so a complete setup).


So I finally gathered parts and got the ADS-B reciever going.  ADS-B  is flighttracking, I am feeding to at least one network : opensky. I am sometimes also feeding ADS-B Exchange and Radarbox.  The reason for me to do this is interest in aircrafts but also to feed our “own network” (airscout).

I will later on publish some info of how I did set up my raspberry PI for this. But not now… *smile*



So my boltek pci lightning detector will give way for a blitzortung detector instead.  looking forward to playing around with this one.

VUSHF coffe and smalltalk

We had our annual small VUSHF meet and greet, this time it was my turn to be the host. So I welcomed SM0LCB, SM7GVF, SM7GEP, SM7THS, SM7WSJ and SM7THS at my QTH.  It was a full day of talk about or current setups and some “ancient” history of ham events and such. Really nice.

From left to right: SM7GVF, SM7FWZ, SM7WSJ, SM7THS, SM0LCB and closest to the camera is SM7GEP.

From left to right: SM7GEP, SM7SJR, SM7FWZ, SM7WSJ, SM7GVF and SM7THS

QRT from JO87FB

My home station is QRT! I will relocate in June 2018. The move goes to my remote QTH in JO87EB, so not far but still I am QRT for the moment.