
23cm EME

Since I am about to disassemble my 5m dish soon, I am trying to run as many 23cm EME qsos as I can. I figure I will be QRT by the end of March or something like that. Will put microwave EME on halt for a while, but will most likley be back again some day.

APRS igate

Seems like my new aprs igate, SM7SJR-2 is stable and running good. Consists of a Raspberry Pi 2 and TNC-Pi, see more info here: My APRS page.

2m EME qso’s

Finally, after being QRT on 2m EME since 1999, I got some new QSO’s in my log. 3 qsos on JT65. I also checked to see if I could detect my own echoes on CW, which I could! Well the echoes were by all means very weak, but I could detect them. Now the finetuning starts (the fun part). I am nearly ready to start to do some tests on 70cm as well. I will also be QRV in the Quadrantids meteor shower.

The antenna array for 2m and 70cm

Is now mounted at 23m AGL. Hopefully it will have no problem with the storm, which we will have tomorrow. If all goes well I might be QRV on MS for the geminids on the 12th and/or the 13th.

2m and 70cm

More work…. I am working a lot with my 2m and 70cm antenna setup (some pics under QTH1 towers/antennas). I hope I will get it up and running before the snow is here. Also doing some testing with my Apache Labs ANAN-200DE, it is quite a machine!

2el for 40m

Getting rid of my cold, and looking at my new 2-el LFA yagi for 40m. This is going to be a lot of fun! Will be mounted at my remote QTH on 21m AGL.

Precis skakat av mig en förkylning modell värre. Kikar lite senaste nyinköpet: en 2-el fullsize LFA yagi för 40m. Ska bli himla skoj att provåka den lite sen till sommaren, kommer att sitta på 21m AGL.


Försöker förbättra hur siten ser ut i mobila enheter, får se om det lyckas. Trying to improve how this site looks on a mobile device. We will see how it goes.


Hello! I am making some noice on APRS. Please check out my APRS page here on this web for more info.


Hello folks! Some time since I posted something here. Right now the Swedish spring/summer is approaching and I am getting back to do antenna work. Meanwhile I have updated the my equipment page with info about the latest power amps and so on.